That's what we like to see, nice work soldiers.
Never say die, impossible is just a word.
Never say die, impossible is just a word.
They said it couldn't be done. Impossible they said. We are the Resistance, we can achieve any objective. For a brief time today, the St Albans frogs knew terror. They knew what it was to be dominated. A massive thank you to all involved, especially Dave and Jamie who cleared a ton of blockers and drove all over the place. Thanks to James for the quick Jarvising of an unfortunate blue blocker and to everyone who turned out. Everyone played a vital part. This was just shy of 30K MU but it was an immeasurable message to the St Albans Enlightened. We Are Restistance. Fear Us.This op had ten active agents, took 30 portals killed to clear blockers and 3 Jarvis to take care of the friendly blockers. St Albans is usually a frog fortress but the Essex and Herts Resistance combined to make this a blue territory, even if it was just for a short while. It'll be all green again within a week, but then we'll be back within a week...Don't rest easy Mr.Frog.
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