Operation Overkill

+OCD treading on our turf, literally, linking from city centres to Norway. Pfft. 

Link clearance from a city centre castle? 1.3 million mind units from just three fields? And we though mermaid units were more your style .....

Operation Overkill
Incredible late night operation from the OCD team and their inland friends, including iPhone agent katherine Harrison.
1.3 million mu was created from just three fields
Agents in the main cities of the Netherlands, Norfolk, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk worked together for the first time, to link the central landmarksof their cities including a castle, parliament and a guildhall. Phenomenal link clearance, many Jarvis, incredible work agents. 
Thanks to the frog who took it down, so we could improve it and put it back up. 
Special thanks to +David Rackham for stepping up on this one. +Lucy Shires +Elwin Tuit +James Quartly

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